Pro/Flow Die Design Simulation Software

(For Blown/Cast Film Die Systems)

PRO/Flow is a Blown/Cast film rheology simulation design software developed by Bharat Consulting. The software allows a rheologist or a design engineer to custom design any blown/cast film dies. This software provides complete die design parameters for engineering and CNC manufacturing co-ordinates in order to manufacture die components.

This software includes steady and unsteady fluid flow analysis for laminar, Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluid flow. This software also predicts die characteristics for different resins, shear rates, residence times, velocity, pressure drops and wetted surface area in the die system. PRO/Flow also has lots of graphical charts in order to give a rheologist or a designer a good understanding of predicted design values. Charts include spiral leakage flow, channel flow, depth profile of the spiral, land shear rate, channel shear rate, die characteristic, gauge variation, channel pressure, leakage pressure, velocity, residence time and design geometry. For over 18 years, this software was used to design all Macro Engineering & Technology Inc. mono and co-extrusion die systems ( This software is not commercially available to general industries but now it is used by Global Die & Extrusion Technology Inc. to design all mono and co-extrusion dies. In addition to Pro/Flow software, Bharat Consulting has 2nd software named PRO/Process, which is commercially available to aid Blown/Cast film processors to forecast film structures from Global Die & Extrusion Technology Inc. Global Die & Extrusion Technology Inc. is the only authorized distributor of this software.

Click here to see the screenshots of the PRO/Flow software, design, & result.